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Posted by Daniel Maddry on



Bible: Proverbs 2:11

Bottom Line: God can give you discretion, wisdom, and understanding to make the right choices.


  • List of “Would You Rather?” Questions
  • Index cards (one per student)
  • Sharpie
  • 2 Pieces of poster board


Use the Sharpie to write the word “SAFE” in large letters on each index card.
Give each student an index card to use during the game.
On one poster board, write the letter “A.”
On the other poster board, write the letter “B.”
Choose a space where all of the students can stand throughout the game.
Make sure there is also enough space for students to sit down when they are out of the game.
Place the “A” poster board on the left side and the “B” on the right side of the room.

Say: Today, we’re going to play our own version of the game “Would You Rather?”
Each of you have received an index card with the word “SAFE” written on it.
I want you to hold onto that card, and I will tell you what to do with it in a minute.
I have a list of Would You Rather? Questions.
Every time I read a question, I will give you an "A" answer and a "B" answer.
When I finish, you will choose your answer and stand near the poster board of the answer you have chosen.
Next, I will let you know the predetermined correct answer.
Now, you might not agree that the answer is correct, but that’s what has been decided before you arrived here today.
If you answered incorrectly, you are out, and you will sit down unless you decide to use your "SAFE" card.
If you want to stay in the game, you will bring your SAFE card to me and remain in the game.
You should consider how many people are left in the game before you use your card and decide if it’s worth using it.
The last person standing is the winner.
You can play multiple rounds based on how many questions you have left at the end of each round.
The correct answer will be underlined for each question.

  1. Would you rather (A) have super sensitive hearing or (B) super sensitive taste?
  2. Would you rather (A) be too hot or (B) too cold?
  3. Would you rather (A) be a deep-sea diver or (B) an astronaut?
  4. Would you rather (A) be able to fly or (B) be invisible?
  5. Would you rather (A) live in a giant desert or (B) in a giant dessert?
  6. Would you rather (A) have no eyebrows or (B) only have one eyebrow?
  7. Would you rather (A) have a dog that could hum or (B) a cat who could whistle?
  8. Would you rather (A) spend the rest of your life being itchy or (B) being tickled?
  9. Would you rather (A) be able to change the past or (B) see into the future?
  10. Would you rather (A) live without music or (B) without tv?
  11. Would you rather (A) eat tacos or (B) pizza?
  12. Would you rather (A) get up early or (B) stay up late?
  13. Would you rather (A) be able to jump incredibly high or (B) run incredibly fast?
  14. Would you rather (A) have many good friends or (B) one very best friend?
  15. Would you rather (A) have adventure or (B) relaxation?
  16. Would you rather (A) have fame or (B) wisdom?
  17. Would you rather (A) be without your phone for a week or (B) without internet?
  18. Would you rather (A) be Batman or (B) Superman?
  19. Would you rather (A) be the youngest or (B) the oldest sibling?
  20. Would you rather (A) be too busy or (B) be bored?
  21. Would you rather (A) read a good book or (B) watch a good movie?
  22. Would you rather (A) be a kid your whole life or (B) be an adult your whole life?
  23. Would you rather (A) be 4’5’ or (B) 7’8”?
  24. Would you rather (A) be a villain or (B) a hero in a movie?
  25. Would you rather (A) play the piano or (B) the trombone?
  26. Would you rather (A) be born with a giraffe neck or (B) a unicorn horn?
  27. Would you rather (A) live in the country or (B) live in the city?
  28. Would you rather (A) be a huge mouse or (B) a tiny elephant?
  29. Would you rather (A) live on Mars or (B) live on the moon?
  30. Would you rather (A) spend a day at the beach or (B) a day in the mountains?


Say: There were so many choices in the game we just played.

You might not have agreed with what I considered the correct answer, but the point of our game was to demonstrate how the choices you make affect your life.
You make over 35,000 choices every day… that’s insane!
Researchers at Cornell University have discovered that you make about 226 decisions each day on food alone.
Choices always result in consequences… whether good or bad.
Some of the choices we make daily affect whether or not we are safe.
Think about this…
You wear a seat belt when you ride in a car.
You put on a helmet when you ride a bike to protect your head.
At school, you practice fire drills to ensure you and your classmates know what to do… just in case.
Fast-food workers wear gloves and continuously wash their hands to keep from spreading food diseases… well, at least we hope they do those things.
When you stop and think about it, safety measures are all around us.
Over time, we have learned that wearing a bike helmet reduces your chance of a head injury by 50%.
People not wearing a seat belt are 30 times more likely to be ejected from a vehicle during a crash.
And washing your hands alone doesn’t keep food safe.
Wearing gloves when handling food drastically reduces the chance of spreading germs – it makes a difference.
But here’s the thing, you don’t have to do the things I just mentioned.
Some of them, you’re supposed to do them, but the choices you make are always up to you.
You see, having knowledge and understanding isn’t enough; you have to use the knowledge you have to make the right choices.
Read Proverbs 2:11-12.
Wise choices will watch over you.
Understanding will keep you safe.
In some translations of that verse, instead of “wise choices,” they use the word “discretion.”
Discretion is having good judgment that causes you to think about the choices you are making… and then, choose the right thing to do.
Discretion knows what to do, when to do it, and how to do it when situations come your way.
Here’s an example of how “wise choices” or “discretion” will watch over you.
Your math teacher hands you a test she has just graded.
You realize that you scored 5 points higher than what is written on your test.
So, you get up, walk to the front of the classroom and tell the teacher that they don’t know what they’re doing.
That would be an example of the wrong choice.
Using discretion would encourage you to try a different way.
Your teacher hands you the test, you realize the mistake, and decide to talk to her privately after class.
Your teacher apologizes, and you express that you are happy that your score was a little better.
The first choice would get you in trouble… in fact, it could go badly for you.
The second choice demonstrates that you know how to think about a situation instead of just reacting.
And because you have chosen the right response, you are saved from detention, suspension, getting in trouble with your parents, and embarrassing yourself.
Discretion has protected you from a negative outcome and harmful consequences.
We need discretion to help us make the right choices every day.
Think about how many times you have the opportunity to make the right or wrong choices.
Someone says something on social media that makes you mad – how do you respond?
You can either lie to your parents about something or tell the truth and get in trouble – which choice honors God?
Your siblings bother you constantly – do you let it bother you or just ignore them?
You can buy something insignificant and use all of your money or save it and get what you really want later – is it worth it to sacrifice now for what you can have later?
It isn’t easy to make the right choices.
Otherwise, the Scripture we read wouldn’t be in the Bible.
God wants us to choose the things He would choose.
So, if we ask for His wisdom and understanding and then trust what He tells us to do, we will make the right choices and be protected from the consequences of making bad choices.
Begin each day by praying that God will give you discretion, wisdom, and understanding to make the right choices.

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